A review by ruthelibrarian
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


"Freakboy" by Kristin Elizabeth Clark is a verse-style book about three characters dealing with trans in their own way.

Brendan doesn't know if he is a boy or a girl inside, and feels conflicted.

Vanessa is a girl by birth and identifies as a girl, but she is into boyish things.

Angel is a girl, but not by birth, and she works at a LGBTQ center.

Each of their perspectives does have their unique voice, and a unique type used in their chapters. The feelings the characters go through are very real and relatable. There is an overall plot and conflict, but the main drama is Brendan's inability to tell anyone how they really feel.

This is a great book that should be recommended to anyone who is trans or questioning their identity. I think even teens that are curious about the lives of trans people would enjoy this read. Fans of Ellen Hopkins will also enjoy this book due to its use of verse and gritty reality. While I do not like verse myself, I think it worked exceptionally well here.