A review by wizardingwisteria
The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 64%.
I don't want to blame this book for putting me in a reading slump but it kinda put me in a reading slump

The premise is super interesting. The worldbuilding was fascinating. The narrative and the writing style just couldn't compare. I felt like I was being dragged through the story. Moved way too slow and stopped to focus on so many details that eneded up being confusing

I started out on the physical paperback edition and ended up switching to the digital version because I hated how the book felt in my hands. Physically it was huge and the words felt small. It was a pain to carry around. At first I thought that was why I wasn't into it, but even after switching to the digital version it was still hard to stay interested

I put down some of my other books to try to get through this one. Some of the elements of the world made me feel like I couldn't have my head in multiple worlds like I normally do. Now I wish I had put this one away sooner so I could enjoy the others 

If I forced myself to stick it out until the end I could see this being a 4 star for me.  Instead I am going to put it down and start something that will hopefully put me back in the reading mood