A review by kle105
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane


This one get a point deducted because I almost abandoned it in the beginning. Laurie is whiny and complaining and begging for answers for why her boyfriend is breaking up with her, and it reminded me of boyfriends I broke up with, who did the same. It doesn't make me want to take you back, quite the opposite.

It did get better so I am glad I stuck with it. Laurie ends up befriending Jamie Carter, the office lothario, and loner. He comes across as aloof and highly ambitious. He is not making friends with his co-workers or his bosses so he hatches a plan to pretend date Laurie, who is beloved by the bosses to help make him partner. Problems is the more they spend time together the more their feelings get in the way. Very cute, lots of embarrassing moments and cute "I Will Survive" moments.

I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.