A review by seeinghowitgoes
Symbiont by Mira Grant


Sadly not as engaging as the Newsfeed world, but raises strange moral questions which are actually tipping me in various directions as the series goes on.

Also, TRILOGY?! Oh god.

The action picks up with our heroine Sal now fully aware that she is actually a sentient tapeworm living the body of Sally Mitchel, there's a lot of creepy tapeworm bonding and a lot of really ridiculous actions that feel more in place in an action film (e.g. the scene the walkers falling endlessly off a bridge).

At the end of it all, these characters just haven't resonated as much with me. Nathan pings almost nothing in me, Sal is rather annoying and the most intriguing character Tansy also tragically spends the entire novel being tortured. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out in the end.