A review by lisa01
Brand Me by Verlene Landon


Brand Me (Imagine Ink Book 2) by Verlene Landon Rated 5 stars

Tori is a, in her thirties, strong woman who has a list of things she want to get accomplished before she gets any older. She is opening a business with her two best friends and dating a guy she has hopes of marrying. If only he could finalize his divorce then they could move forward. Sadly her friends don't care for Richard, apparently they never see the side of him she does. She plans on meeting him at the family cabins in Tennessee and stay for a couple months since he has something to do out there. On the flight there she meets the guy of her dreams and it just so happens he is going to almost the same place she is. Maybe she needs to reassess her relationship with Richard.
Michael is a late twenties airplane pilot, personal trainer and the lead guitarist in a rock band. So basically he has it all….brains, good looks and a hot body. Having just broke it off with his fiancée, since he caught her cheating with his best friend, he is looking forward to a few months of solitude to straighten some things out in his life. He has been impotent for a while now which weighs heavily on his mind. As he gets on the plane he sees the passenger and freezes. She was in his dreams last night and she is just as hot in person. He wonders if she is available or if she has a boyfriend. On arrival he stays in town before heading to the cabin. He ends up having a terrible thing happen that messes him up for a while. Once at the cabin he wonders where Tori is staying and if he can meet up with her. He wonders how serious it is with her boyfriend.
When Tori and Michael meet up can they make anything last since each has many issues they bring to the table?
I was surprised at the content of this story. Rape is always a touchy subject but even more so in this book. I never realized how some things mess so much with your head. The scene of them making love then him thinking she was Wendy. O m g! Then the things he said to her after...so cutting! I thought it would be difficult to forgive him. Thank goodness she has some counselor training that allows her to see past some of that. Not sure I would be so forgiving. Also the private moments between them after they first meet up….bestill my heart. I'm not sure who wouldn't want someone who does that for them. Curious?? Read the book! Great characters and great story! There is a lot going on so make sure you pay attention.