A review by kaylagrennes
The Order of the Key by Justine Manzano


I was very intrigued by this book with the mention of a secret order who fights inter dimensional beings, and of a girl discovering her destiny, but I didn’t really get what I expected to get. I felt this book could have been longer to hash out some ideas and add world-building, especially in the areas relating to the history of the Order (the society in which our main character, Jacklyn, joins). I wanted to know more about what am Aegis was, what the history of the Order was, and what these inter dimensional creatures were.

The personalities of the characters were often confusing to me, especially the dynamic between Jacklyn and Kyp. All of the characters (aside from Gana) would be friends with someone for one minute only to hate them the next. I think I partially felt this way because it felt like I was missing dialogue.

I did really like to see the character growth from Jacklyn, and I would have liked to see some this development a little more obviously in other characters.

This book was such a whirlwind. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I just didn’t feel super connected with what I was reading. I think that some people would really enjoy this book, I just don’t think it was for me.

I received an advanced review copy for free, and in exchange am giving this a review.