A review by ghosttropics
Familiar Face by Michael DeForge


Another excellent book from Michael Deforge, to literally no ones surprise at this point. Although the art style and colour palette he chose for this book might not be my personal favourite If I were to choose from his huge collection, I do think story-wise this is amongst his most memorable and well written books yet. In fact, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I read it a couple days ago.

Familiar Face is a sad and all too relatable tale of urban sprawl and the hopelessness of a world seemed bent on stripping away every bit of autonomy we have left, in the name of “progress” and automation.

As a fellow Torontonian, this felt to me to be Deforges most direct response to living in Toronto, a city that seems more and more intent on pushing out the artists crushing the human spirit, leaving many of its citizens with a strong sense of despair and futility. This is a book that not only asks “where do we go next?” but also “who the fuck even cares?!”