A review by sheilaokeefe
Crane by Stacey Rourke


Disclaimer: I was provided this audiobook at no charge by the author, publisher and/or narrator in exchange for an unbiased review via AudiobookBlast.com

I wanted to like this book more than I actually did. The idea of telling the story behind the headless horseman is fascinating, even if it's been done several times recently. Unfortunately the story told doesn't quite add up. Questions are hinted at but not answered. Maybe that's because this is the first of a series, but I didn't like the characters enough to plan on reading the rest of the series and wasn't satisfied with what ending/explanation I got in this one.

Mainly I didn't like the characters because they're more types than individuals. The main character has fairly stereotypical reactions to most events, especially meeting good-looking men. She also does a little too much of the standard refusing to talk to people, ask questions and/or ask for help to be believable.

I don't want to sound so harsh. I am giving this book three stars and did enjoy a lot of it. The story moves along and kept me wanting to find out what happens next. I think if you can overlook stereotyped characters or are a little more inclined to love-conquers-all tales than I am, you'll really like this book.