A review by fearnerd
Ladybugs in November by Brittany Johnson


When I think of Ladybugs, I think of the harmless, colorful insects I used to catch in my childhood. I also think of the Rodney Dangerfield movie. And as bad as that movie may be, I don't associate ladybugs with anything terrifying...until now. Brittany Johnson's "Ladybugs in November" is an effectively unsettling short-story where there's no shortage of the insects. They're plentiful in disgusting abundance; making a home of a dilapidated mansion with a dark history.

I loved everything about this story from the strong visuals to the well-written despicable two main characters. I'm glad that a lot of the story's mystery isn't explained, yet it's open enough for interpretation. Could this mansion be the host to other dark events than just the one involving this story's characters? I certainly think it's possible.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5. Fear Nerd says, "Check it out!"