A review by nixiefawn
Storm by Nina Levine


I was going to give this book 2 stars, but you know what? The ending with her father and mother just bothered me extremely. It gets 1 star from me.

Really jumpy ending and book in whole. You got a lot of really cliffhanging and important information, but there's never an explanation or discussion about it. Like in the beginning of the book there was a mention of her thinking J cheated on her, and she then cheated with someone else. But she then mentions that J didn't cheat on her at all. So... Her cheating isn't mentioned at all after that. We're just going to drop it? ...Okey...

And her friend is never really a part of the story anymore, or the kid, Crystal, either. I was sure her male friend would somehow get involved with J again and jealousy to wreak havoc. But noooo....

Also their relationship is just going up and down. She gets angry because he doesn't talk to her, they are by themselves for a while, and then they have sex and everything is fins again. Then it starts over once again. She (is it bad that I don't even remember her name) is also very weird and her character. She is annoyed that she doesn't get to know anything about the club, and then her mother tells her that it is okey, and that she should trust them. Annnd... she did a 180 and suddenly just let's it go. No more caring, just a "be careful, honey!". I thought she would be a badass and stubborn, not just to give up after her mother tells her to.

So, in the end I basically just skimmed trough the last chapter just to get it over with. By then I had already read that far that it was just the same to read it to the end.

1 star out of 5.