A review by marieeya
The Lightmaker's Manifesto: How to Work for Change Without Losing Your Joy by Karen Walrond


This book gave an entirely different perspective about what activism is (and is not). Something that I hope and pray many would be able to read, know, and experience themselves. I never thought I'd ever consider myself an activist until I read this book. Truly eye-opening. Utterly challenging.

I love how Karen Walrond has put it during her podcast conversation with Brené Brown:

"...I like to define activism, which is not about putting yourself in physical peril. I like to say that activism is being led by your values to do something that helps other people and makes the world brighter for other people. And the really important part of that is that you do something. The root of activism is actus, meaning to act, to do a deed, and so it requires a something, like you’re moved to do something from your values, and it can’t be just to help yourself. It may help a community of which you are a part, but it’s meant to be other facing. It’s supposed to help other people. So yeah, a full action, and nobody says that action has to be gigantic or death defying."