A review by themelodyofspring
Red Rising by Pierce Brown


I read this book in bits and pieces in the beginning because it was taking a while to pick up, but once it did I couldn't put it down. Specifically from the part Darrow goes to the institute was fast paced, strategic and showed various faces of different types of humans.

In the end, I came to like a lot more characters than I initially expected: Sevro, Mustang, Pax, the Howlers in general, and Darrow himself. The protagonist is not arrogant, full of blind rage or even a complete inconsiderate person. He shows reason, fear, consideration and sees the good and bad in everyone. Most I've liked a character ever. Let's hope the trend continues in the other books.
There were no overarching conversations between characters and Darrow knew when to keep his mouth shut or when to avoid talking.

I also liked the way the author described the action scenes. Duels where everyone moves as if dancing. Elegant. The way it was written felt very new.

Also, the ending was a nice touch. Thinking logically, that was the best course of action for Darrow if he wants to climb faster.

P. S. The map in the beginning of the book really helped. I turned to it so many times to understand each time where everyone was when a house was raided.