A review by cozyuptocrime
A Scottish Lord for Christmas by Lauren Smith


I think my expectations were a little too high for this book, so I was let down and wasn't that into this read. First, I love Scotland and always enjoy a good Scottish romance, but there wasn't much atmosphere in this book and it felt like it could have been taking place anywhere. Second, I don't usually gravitate towards romance where one of the couple has a child, so I knew as I started getting into this that it wasn't really for me.

Basically, the hero is a widower with a small child and is looking for a wife to help raise his child, but doesn't think he could ever love again. The heroine is only 18, which also made it difficult to relate. I know with historicals this may be okay, but the idea of an 18-year-old who just longs to be a mother isn't usually the type of romance that I enjoy. I felt like the attraction between them came out of nowhere, and once the relationship heated up a bit there were just too many tropes and I couldn't get into their story. Also, with that title and the dress on the cover, this book needed a bit more Christmas to give it a real holiday feel, in my opinion. Overall, not a bad book but just not the type of relationship I like to read about, and featured a few too many cliches for my taste.