A review by elliefufu
Midnight Action by Elle Kennedy


Midnight Action, Killer Instincts #5, by Elle Kennedy
Grade: A

"Any hobbies?" "You mean, other than kicking ass and taking names?"

For fans of the Killer Instincts series this is THE book we've been waiting for and it was perfect! Jim and Noelle have been dancing around each other for four previous books and have gone back and forth between loving and hating each other. There were times I thought these two would kill each other before they actually got together or Noelle and D might get together so I was very pleasantly surprised when these two finally got their book. I was worried that my expectations were too high but I was pleasantly surprised with the way things turn out.

We get flashbacks from nineteen years earlier when Jim and Noelle first met, how their relationship evolved and how they ended up hating each other. I loved the flashbacks and trying to piece together what happend, what went wrong and where things could go between these two. Things are nothing what they seem and there are twists and turns one every page that kept me glued to my kindle until the early morning. I could not and would not have put this books down for anything (including a good night sleep).

This series is a wild roller coaster of adventure and Midnight Action is the best book so far. I feel that each story gets more complex and more emotional to the point I need a Xanax before I start reading. If you love action romance books this is the series for you so sit back and enjoy one heck of a ride.