A review by caitlinrose923
The Country Girls by Edna O'Brien


I’m not sure where to start so just diving right in here…

The pacing of this book was so odd that I feel like I must start there. From one chapter to the next, it could be the same minute of the story or you could skip ahead a few months or even, in one case, three years.

I also found the flowery language to be a bit much at times, as the narrator (Caithleen) remained quite childish in her descriptions of her surroundings and emotions, despite the transition from a young middle schooler to an 18-year-old young woman. She also called almost every side character ugly, fat, stupid, or a combination of the three. Perhaps that’s simply a sign of the times or culture, or perhaps the narrator (or the author…) is just a little mean.

I won’t spoil the ending, but I found it to be… not an ending. It felt like the end of a chapter rather than the story as a whole. Nothing was resolved, really, and I was left feeling like someone pulled the rug out from under me.

I’ll read the remainder of the trilogy in good faith and hopes that things are wrapped up more nicely.