A review by dreamwanderer
Gettysburg by Stephen W. Sears


The title of this book is a bit deceiving. There is much more to this work than just the battle itself. Sears sets up the scenario by revealing how the different pieces for this accidental battle fell into place. It begins with Lee and Davis planning their invasion of the North with the parallel account of the political bickering in the Union Army which resulted in General Meade becoming the reluctant Commander of the Army of the Potomac.

The Gettysburg Campaign begins June 3 in Culpeper VA as Lee and his forces make their way north and it ends nearly a month later when they recross the Potomac back into Virginia. There are battles and skirmishes on the way to Pennsylvania and more battles and skirmishes during the retreat. Sears covers every movement of the battle itself taking time to give short bios of the officers and descriptions of the terrain. None of this slows the story down.

Good comprehensive book that tells the complete story of a great three day battle that not only affected one nation but also had ramifications for the future of the world.