A review by glennisleblanc
The X-Files: Season 10, Volume 1 by Joe Harris, Thomas Gießl, Tom Mandrake, Michael Walsh, Elena Casagrande, Colin Lorimer, Greg Scott, Jano Rohleder, Menton3, Matthew Dow Smith


I was excited to pick this up since I loved the X-Files when it was on tv. I had some problems with some things such as Skinner heading right over to see Mulder and Scully and potentially breaking their witness protection identities just to tell them some files were hacked but they didn't think anything important was caught. And Mulder having to dig up the door to The Lone Gunmen when they have to have another entrance into their lair. The issues covered in here feel like an episode of the show , there is a conclusion but no real answers in the end. It was nice to see the old gang again but I don't think I'll be reading any more of them.

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