A review by eesh25
Arm of the Sphinx by Josiah Bancroft


3.5 Stars

So, this sequel was good, but not as good as the first. I feel like it was because we didn’t explore as much of the tower as we did before. The parts we did explore was pretty significant, though. But mostly, I felt like this book asked more questions than it answered, which is understandable, I guess.

The main focus of the book was on the characters. We knew them somewhat, but this is a completely different setting. They don’t know each other well and they definitely don’t know how to function as a group. And throughout the story, we see them grow as people and as a team. I started to quite like them all. Iren is my favourite. Adam and his sister can be frustrating, especially Voleta. I like Edith. And Senlin... I’m gonna wait for the next book to see how I feel about him. But as a team, I’m excited to see more of them.

Overall, this was a good read. There wasn’t as much excitement and the novelty of the Tower has worn off a bit, but I still liked it and want to read more. I just wish we could move past the Marya thing. It’s easily the least interesting part of the story. I wanna see more levels of the Tower and learn more about it as a whole.