A review by readfrenzy
A Place Without You by Jewel E. Ann


A Place Without You laid claim to my heart—pure and simple. In return, it generously gave me all the feels in which I am still happily reveling.

The unforgettable characters are painted with strikingly bold colors. People around Henna can’t help but get swept up in her vortex of eccentric charm. Her infectious free spirit can’t be contained inside her 19-year-old body. I point out her age partly because I’m not comfortable with forbidden student-teacher romances involving minors, so that isn’t an issue here. Henna’s age also speaks to her mindset. She is more worldly than most 19-year-olds, but there are parts of Henna that are immature, and she has escapist tendencies that allow her to avoid painful emotions. I love that she recognizes these traits and that the reader is allowed to watch her struggle with her areas of growth.

Bodhi is Henna’s opposite. She tends to be irresponsible while he is extremely cautious. He is patience and goodness personified. Henna constantly pushes him outside of his comfort zone, and he is at his sexiest when he surrenders and lets loose. They are electric together.

Some of my favorite parts of the book are those that take place at Coachella. The atmosphere is almost tangible—fun, romantic, and exciting. I felt like I was someplace magical where lifelong connections can be made in a matter of hours.

The supporting characters are highly developed and integral to the story. I was incredibly moved by the ferocity of Bodhi’s love for his father, a remarkable man in is own right. I wish I could be a mom that’s half as cool as Juni. Yes, she is Henna’s mom, but she is also her very best friend and a constant source of nonjudgmental support.

If you’ve read any of Jewel E. Ann’s books it would not surprise you to know that she dishes out humor and passion in one hand and punches you in the gut with the other. Consider this my public service announcement to have some tissues on hand. Hang on and enjoy this powerful romance.

Recommended for fans of:
Music lovers
French fries with ketchup
Forbidden romance
Classic VW vans

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