A review by izcanbeguscott
Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below by Dario Azzellini


This is a really interesting work to consider, especially as it was written literally right before the dawn of Venezuela's current political crisis. Azzellini gave some hints about how it could happen, but by virtue of not being clairvoyant he ends up having some of his normative analysis deflated by reality.

What this is an incredible work for, however, is an insight into how to theorize about libertarian socialism. The difference between constituent and constituted power, the creation of from below socialism, the struggles present in attempting to create real socialism when there is significant opposition from those who hold power - it is very enlightening. I also find it quite inspiring, as hearing how empowered the workers felt during this time and how they really started taking on some protagonism in their own lives beyond the minutia is something that made me feel that it is possible for anyone to do it.

I will probably have more and better insights once I read it again, but for now I recommend this with that gigantic grain of salt to come in with.