A review by ameserole
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott


Every time I read this book.. I can never be mentally prepared for what goes down. Especially when it comes to Beth. My sweet and adorable Beth. Now that I've read this book (once again), I have a desire to watch the movie. Any version really but I will probably dive into the most recent one. Since it has so many actors that I love in it.

My love for Jo grows more and more with each page. There's just something about her. She was upfront about not wanting to marry and all these other things. Yet, she somehow wormed her way into two wonderful hearts. Don't get me wrong, I love Laurie.. but these two were WAY better off being friends. Their friendship just gave me so much joy that I couldn't see them going any further than that.

The family, the characters, and the entire story was beautifully written. I'm sort of glad that Jo went on this journey of hers. Well, all of her sisters as well - because they learned something new about themselves. They grew so much since the beginning and it just made me happy that they somehow moved on from a tragic and unfortunate event in their lives.

In the end, the ending was really cute and I'm happy that she has a new dream: the school.