A review by book_concierge
Four to Score by Janet Evanovich


Audiobook read by C J Critt

This is book four in the popular Stephanie Plum series. Stephanie’s still pretty inept at her job, her romance with Morelli is heating up, she’s responsible for a couple of cars blowing up, Grandma Mazur is as nuts as ever, Steph gets a new “partner” in a cross-dressing leader of a rock band, and she tangles with rival bounty hunter Joyce Barnhardt.

The earlier books in the series are very entertaining, but I lost interest after about book 12. I re-read this one because it’s fast, enjoyable and fits a challenge.

C J Critt is barely passable reading the audio book. Her delivery is S L O W … with L O N G pauses at scene breaks. I also didn’t like the voices she used for most of the characters. This should be a fast, snappy delivery. I recommend reading the text instead of listening.

NOTE - I originally read this long before I had joined Shelfari or Goodreads, so never had recorded it ... the first date read is a wild guess based on having listed book 11 in the series as read in 2006.