A review by kae_reads
Reaping Me Softly by Kate Evangelista


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I'm going to make this as spoiler-free as possible, so here we go! I was pleasantly surprised by Reaping Me Softly. I had high expectations going into reading the book, because the summary sounded so cool, and I was not disappointed. I loved everything about the fantasy/mythology-ish part of the story. The whole concept of Reapers and Death personified was really fascinating and well thought-out. I was very impressed by that. I also loved the little storylines here and there that contributed to the main storyline, like Carrie's sickness, Tomas and Niko's bond, and the conflict with Darla. There were a bunch of little plot twists that made the story 10x better.

The only reason I am rating it 4 stars instead of 5 is the descriptions. I personally love when a book gets a little descriptive, but I felt like it got a little over-the-top and redundant at points. Yes, description is good, but there were times where I didn't think it was entirely necessary or it got a little too much about small things. Also, I felt like some of the same descriptions were used over again. That's just me being picky though.

All in all, I was impressed by this book and would recommend it to those looking for a romance story with some twists. It might not be right for everyone, but those who love fantasy and romance are in for a good read!