A review by setaian
Act Two by Denise Grover Swank


Magnolia Steele pulling at the threads of her father's disappearance despite receiving warnings from pretty much everyone to let sleeping dogs lie. The bad guy(s) are tying up loose ends and everyone she talks to about her father is showing up dead.

But she continues her investigation in what might be described as pluck...though personally I'm leaning towards 'too stupid to live'.

With corrupt police and pretty much everyone hiding things she can't turn to anyone for help.

When Denise Grover Swank is on her game she's one of my favorite authors. But some of her books don't quite cut it....and I don't even know why. Everything is right about them. They're well written with interesting characters and a good premise but for some reason they don't quite work.

That's this book. It's good enough that I'll give the next in the series a go, but in the back of my mind is the hope that this is a short series.