A review by curlycharcoal
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler


the myth of the nymphette is alive and well in this one! to enjoy this book, you need to suspend not only your disbelief, but also all your humanity and buy in the tsunami of misogyny and prejudice and homophobia and more that keeps washing over you.

the incredibly overwritten "witty" old-timey hollywood speech gets very tired very fast. descriptions are supposed to add texture and finesse, yet all these do are just distract as the author flexes his muscle of making random comparisons like a try-hard comedian on twitter.

there is nothing of value here and as much as this is "a product of its time," it's menchildren like Chandler that shaped the time, as well. stumbling into these dumpster fires make me respect the likes of Jim Thompson that did a similar thing with much more class and skill, without reducing themselves to this level of pandering to the social norms and concerns of the hateful times.