A review by songwind
Bookworm by Christopher G. Nuttall


This was a fun book with some interesting world building, but also quite a few flaws.

The world is very interesting. It doesn't really map to a particular historical time in our world. Some things about it are very modern, some feel more Victorian, and others downright Medieval.

The main character is an interesting choice - a bookish, not-especially-good magician who works in a magical library. A magical accident leaves her no more powerful, but crammed full of forbidden knowledge. Sort of like a person with asthma who somehow mastered martial arts. She can do some really fantastic things, but not for long and not too much at once.

However, though the personalities of many of the characters are quite good, the decisions get pretty bizarre, resulting in weird plot holes and "idiot plots" that would never work if various people weren't stupid.

All in all, though, it was a fun, easy listen, and I imagine I'll check out the rest of the series later.