A review by jmshirtz
Hatter M, Volume 1: The Looking Glass Wars by Liz Cavalier, Frank Beddor, Ben Templesmith


I very much enjoyed this graphic novel. It reminded me a lot of [b:Unwritten|15791114|Unwritten|Charles Martin|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1360100324s/15791114.jpg|21512694] by [a:Mike Carey|9018|Mike Carey|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1334894864p2/9018.jpg] because of its tie to a literary work. However, I couldn't help feeling like I'd missed the beginning of the story, and after finishing, realized that this is a spin-off of series! Oops! Still, a fascinating idea, and the use of color is inventive. Perhaps some day I'll go back to the real beginning and start all over again.