A review by kylieeason
Sloth by Giana Darling


Gah, Greed is going to be so damn intense!

Sloth was really well written. There’s something incredibly addicting about a church born and bred little lady getting down and dirty in a whole new world.

I loved finally getting to see inside Sloths head! He was so illusive in all the other books, always there, that it was extra sweet to be along for his ride.

Something that I was desperate to happen, happened! Yay! I’ve been waiting for what feels like my whole life for this event. Does that make me crazy? 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t care!

My only real complaint is the few pages that contained inconsistencies- example: someone is barefoot, and a few paragraphs later that same person is in boots. I don’t know if everyone notices those things like that, but they bug the hell out of me!

At the end of the day, though, this book is fantastic, but the ending is 100% the best. I’m not even a little patient waiting for Greed!