A review by kai3cll
The Picture Bride by Lee Geum-yi


I have misplaced my copy. I was reading the book for days and weeks but then it just went missing and I am sorry but I didn't try looking for it.

Someday I may find it behind my bookshelf and read it but right now, I haven't read the last section of the book with Pearl's pov. Regardless, I also do not think that reading it will make me change my rating in a greater way so here is the review~


If you want to know about the basic and top-of-the-iceberg (maybe a little underwater) information about Korean picture brides and immigrants in Hawaii then this is an okay read.

However, for me, it made me more curious than satisfied my curiosity. It was like a bland dish that make you want to eat something else. (unseasoned salad)


1) The information was meh.
I looked up more photographs, narrated interviews, history, etc. I especially discovered an old interview that was so similar to the book that I have a feeling the author read it and tried to include it in the book - which is great.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the original accounts more for their emotional depth that I felt the book lacked.


2) The wrong narrator
I feel that the book focuses on the wrong narrator. Willow doesn't have any strong opinions and she never takes a decision. Everything happens to her and she flows with it. Which is okay but she at least needs to have something.

Also, she has one of the rather simpler or even easier life. Hence, she isn't the best character to show or drive the topic the book is covering. Sadly, sometimes this type of narrator is great to focus on the other characters but the story goes on lengthy details about Willon while only brushing upon the other characters.

The book would have been okay even if it balanced the narratives with other characters but sadly did not.


Overall, I would say it was a good try and the writer can get better. I will definitely pick another book from the author but this one was disappointing.