A review by bookysue
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers


It's still shocking to me that something like this could happen in the United States - that American citizens could be treated the way Zeitoun and his friends were treated; that so many people could perish without help when it should have been so easy to save them.

And the dogs. As soon as there were dogs in the story, I was like shiiit.

And I was still wondering at the end - what about their family dog? Did they just leave it in Baton Rouge permanently? Come on, Eggers! Tie up the loose ends!

But the thing I really didn't understand was how these people could leave their dogs in crates in their houses when they evacuated. Even if they were planning to be gone for only a day or two, that's complete insanity. I was so pissed when he described finding the neighbor dogs' dead bodies, still at the window waiting for him. ARGHHHH DAMNIT. I dunno...I would take my cats and dog with me when I left, even if it meant living in a car full to the brim with cat poop for six months. Cuz, you know, come on.

Anyway, I just can't imagine all the things these people saw and went through after the levees broke, and it really is heartbreaking and unbelievable.

I was glad to learn that the author's proceeds from the book went toward rebuilding New Orleans and other worthwhile causes. This was just such a different style for Eggers (at least compared to A Heartbreaking Work)...I really enjoyed it, despite all the horrors described within.