A review by readswithdogs
The Fourth Whore by EV Knight


You ever finish a book and think, "what in the world did I just read?!"⁣⁣
That's how I feel about The Fourth Whore.⁣⁣
This book was a dark fantasy mixed with horror and smut elements, but honestly it didn't go far enough in any direction to fit just a single genre. ⁣⁣
There's a lot going on and so many characters I had to keep notes. Luckily, I was familiar with the biblical story of Lilith and some of the other characters so I had an understanding right away. If you're not familiar you will want to look some stuff up to better understand the story.⁣⁣
I'm thinking this is a solid ⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 because there's a lot I enjoyed and an equal measure of confusion.⁣⁣
I loved the concept: an army of whores turned warriors battling the patriarchy and taking charge of their sexuality?! Fantastic! Bring it on! I love strong female protagonists!⁣⁣
However, there's a fair amount of sex scenes and they relate to the story, but are varying degrees of graphic which was confusing because I wanted either all-the-way smuttiness or just "they had sex."⁣⁣
Trying to follow the various storylines was difficult as well. This is a very ambitious book and while the author is a great writer this just felt like she crammed too much in.