A review by kfriend
Tangled Up by Tia Louise


Tia Louise delivers a sweet and swoony second chance love story for the final story in the Bayside Heroes series, and this one even has a bit of unexpected danger and suspense to go along with the heartfelt romance. Yet another great visit to this world that has captured my heart- I’m not ready to say goodbye to the amazing Bayside world.

Tia’s story focuses on the swoony Beck Munroe- the somewhat mysterious friend of the Bayside crew that we don’t know much about yet, other than we've seen that eventually his heart ends up with a girl named Carly outside of town. And now we get the breadth of their story, as we learn that Beck and Carly were each other’s first loves many years ago. Carly has returned to her hometown of Eden to hideout after one of her patients from her criminal psychology work may potentially harm her. She finds safety in the comfort of her friends and family, but she never expects to confront her past with Beck when their paths cross when he too is visiting home. Their hearts still beat for each other- and in the midst of the threat of danger, a sweet and steamy second chance blossoms.

Tia Louise always knows how to touch my heart with the sweet sincerity of first love, and here we get to experience that through the eyes of two people much older who are reconnecting with their young love feelings. Misunderstandings and time have kept them apart, and it was magical to see them working through the drama of their past and present with that Tia Louise trademark tenderness. Beck is every bit as delicious as the other Bayside men we’ve met- he’s kind, emotionally open, protective and so sweet. He shows up for Carly in all the ways that make my heart pitter pat. And I loved watching Carly’s journey- she’s got some spark, and her connection with Beck felt so authentic- Tia definitely helped build a chemistry that was believable one rooted in history and friendship.

Unlike the other stories, we have a bit of danger and suspense with Carly’s stalker patient that gave this a bit more of an edge. This kept the pages turning. What I missed though was the Bayside Crew. I didn’t dislike the new cast of characters we got here in Eden, but I felt a bit sad that the final Bayside story didn’t center around the crew I’ve fallen in love with. I wished we’d gotten more of them, and some time seeing our other couples in their HEA bliss alongside Carly and Beck, but perhaps these authors will gift us with more in this world- because I adored this series- each author has brought the feels, a bit of humor, meaningful emotional, and lots of heat. I really hope we find our way back to this world one day!