A review by crookedtreehouse
The Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper by Mindy Newell


A few years ago, I made a chronology for how to read modern Batman. I was focused quite a bit on creating the order, as opposed to just reading the books for enjoyment, so now I'm going back to see how the chronology holds up.

This is a companion story to [b:Batman: Year One|59980|Batman Year One|Frank Miller|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327940389s/59980.jpg|2501570], and serves as a more in-depth origin for Selina Kyle. In my original review I mentioned that the snappy patter was really dated in this version, and while that's still true, there are a couple of thing that have aged well in this comic. For example, the hero cop in this story is Black, which is nice balance to the fact that the only Black character in Year One is a drug addict. It's also become more interesting to see the first kiss between Catwoman and Batman, given that they are about to be married in the current continuity.

While this certainly doesn't rise to the Classic status of Year One, it is still a somewhat enjoyable, if a little choppy, read. The interior art by [a:J.J. Birch|3129800|J.J. Birch|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] is far superior to the cover on the collection.

I recommend this for fans of current DC continuity, Catwoman enthusiasts, people who like their police drama to be filled with pop culture references (that are thirty years out of date), and people who wish there were a little bit more focus on Selina Kyle in Batman's origin.