A review by isa_wmadsen
Oblivion by Anthony Horowitz


I don't really know where to begin explaining what I don't like about this book. I hate time jumps, and when they casualled traveled 10 years into a broken world, really awful. They spent the first 4 books bringing everyone together just for them to start all over in book 5, useless. The whole book just seemed like random time filling obstacles that they had to endure, which made no point (like what the fuck was the point of the whole cannibal town!). The author made this huge ass book for an ending, with a large build up, only for them to defeat the old ones like nothing. Two out of the five died for no reason. And then they all left their friend who helped them behind! The only reason it isn't getting a plain 0 stars, is because the idea had potential, it was just so poorly executed that it was sad.