A review by mitsyc
Evan Burl and the Falling by Justin Blaney


Evan Burl is better than Harry Potter. Evan Burl and The Falling is the beginning of the most imaginative series since Harry Potter. I dare say it is the best fantasy book I've ever read. Justin Blaney writes such descriptive scenes you will imagine them on the movie screen or as paintings in a museum. The villains are sadists. The story is so odd and horrific play close attention, when you read this, or you will get lost.

Evan is a young boy who lives in a castle and tries to take care of orphans. The orphans are otherwise known as the Fallings. The Fallings/orphans are all young girls who literally fell from the sky. Are did they? If so, how? What happens to Evan and these Fallings are the mystery. To find out, you'll have to read the story. Oh, and if you think you've got it figured out, guess again.

Won this as a Goodreads giveaway! :)