A review by novelesque_life
All the Best Lies by Joanna Schaffhausen


2020; Minotaur Books/St. Martin's Press/Blackstone Audio
Narrator: Lauren Fortgang

Ahhhh, here we go again...this is the Ellery and Reed I missed. In All the Best Lies, we turn to Reed and his past. Reed's birth mother was murdered in Vegas, but her murder was never solved. The case seemed to have gone cold. When he uncovers a family secret it leads him to look over his mother's case. He's not sure who to trust so turns to Ellery for help.

I enjoy Ellery and Reed working together and the intimacy they share from Ellery's kidnapping. The first two novels were more Ellery related, so I was excited to see this one be more of Reed's story. Like the first novel, the writing was powerful. I'm excited for the next book.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***