A review by sarahanne_65
Touch of Faete by Ligia de Wit


Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. I chose this book primarily for the genre, title, and cover art.
I feel that although I love fantasy, maybe I’m not the target audience. This isn’t to say the book was bad by any means, but I did find myself struggling to finish. I felt that although this is marketed as adult, it felt more juvenile. The FMC did not read as 22. Her inner dialogue especially seemed more childish. I appreciated the humor, but it did make her seem less mature. And I didn’t like her use of the word “stud” repetitively. Bug was by far my favorite character, and I wish there had been more development for him!
For starters, I think it would be incredibly helpful to have some type of glossary of the terms used…there wasn’t too much explaining, and I felt lost about a lot of the terms.
I enjoyed the idea of this modern/fantasy/multi dimensional world. But, I wish there had been more time spent on world building. I often felt like I was missing something or that I jumped into this novel halfway through a series.
I also felt that the romance left room for wanting. Since Ryanne was using her visions for seeing the future of romantic connections, it gave the idea that romance would be important in this story. However, the romance between Titus and Ryanne felt forced. Like the first time he tried to kiss her made no sense at all?
At risk of sounding nitpicky, I also noticed that the two times that Davy Jones Locker was mentioned, once locker was capitalized and once it wasn’t. Sergei’s name was also spelt Serguie once. I was quite confused about what Ryanne’s power was, and I would have loved more world building to understand better. I would love to read more about Titus and Bug. I think the idea for this story is interesting, but it just didn’t do it for me.