A review by nixerix
The Never List by Koethi Zan


4.5 stars. This was heartbreaking and gut wrenching. I wouldn't even say that I found this to be very thrilling or even that exciting, but I was so enthralled in the experience of the characters that I found it hard to put down. This focuses heavily on psychology which definitely makes things more interesting. The plot is always moving along, but it also feels as if things are standing still at the same time, perhaps because of how we get a glimpse into both past and present. I don't think that the pacing of this story will be for everyone, but I liked it. The story was also able to transition between past and present quite well. It made me feel a certain way that I can't quite put into words.

Very dark and disturbing subject matter. There are some very unbelievable points in the plot that have you raise your eyebrows, the biggest of which is just how quickly our main heroine Sarah is able to work through her PTSD that has been relentlessly haunting her for a decade with very little resistance. Her additional insistence on how paranoid she is versus how recklessly she acts and how naïve she can be were a few points of frustration. Nonetheless, Sarah's character is enjoyable and her development was great. The story wouldn't have been as good if she spent the first 150 pages too terrified to leave her apartment, after all. You have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit here, but the entirety of the book overall is worth overlooking some of the more unbelievable aspects.