A review by nearit
Green Arrow, Vol. 1: Quiver by Kevin Smith


I once sat on a panel about comics art and told a room full of people that they didn't get to have aesthetic opinions unless they'd read at least one truly awful fantasy novel. If you were to take that dumb joke seriously, reading this might pass for an attempt to re-assert my critical credentials. Either way, I suspect the joke is on me in the end.

Green Arrow: Port of Call - New Orleans flows like a blocked toilet. Despite being two comics and one movie deep into his career at this point, Smith still hadn't discovered that you can do a second draft and it's hard to say whether the lines that are designed to assure you he's had sex are more or less tragic than the ones that are there to test how many DC comics you've read.

Hester manages to find a couple of attractive images in this mess, but in the spirit of collaboration he also finds compositions that are as dramatically clueless as the script he's working from.

Don't read this comic, and leave Assasins of Gor on the shelf too. Whoever you are, you deserve better than this