A review by stuffhanreads
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling


This is by far my favourite book in the Harry Potter series, the dark themes that we saw building throughout the past books has came to a head here I would think. From now on we’ll get similar feelings from the next two novels.

I couldn’t wait to start this book, especially with the cliffhanger we were left on when Cedric died in the last book. Dumbledore told everyone Voldemort was back and then they just went home! Giving the ministry the chance to discredit him as a batty old fool.
Harry’s life, which was already pretty rubbish, got a lot worse in this book, from the constant looks, japs and such he received from students who thought he was crazy. To Dementors chasing him and Dudley in Little Whinging, resulting in a Ministry trial, that he just barely got through. Next we have Umbridge joining the scene playing hell with Hogwarts being an absolutely vile dickhead.

The worst possible part of this book was Sirius dying, he was such an important part of Harry’s life and he was just snuffed out like that. He only just got to spend real time with him.

Overall I rate this book a 5/5, I can’t wait for The Half-Blood Prince!