A review by natashas_notes
Eudora Honeysett is Quite Well, Thank You: The most feel good, page-turning and joyful fiction book of 2020! by Annie Lyons


I read the ebook and audiobook of this and they were both great! 4.5 stars!

I finished about a minute ago and know this thought provoking book will stick with me. It covers the important topic of death, talking about it, preparing for the inevitable and living a good life while you can. It’s a difficult subject matter that was handled beautifully and wasn’t a struggle to read.

Eudora is 85 and wants to die with dignity and on her own terms, so she’s in contact with a Swiss facility to get everything in place for her death.
Throughout the book we get flashbacks through Eudora’s life to help us understand her more.

Along comes Rose. A young girl full of life, with no filter or concerns about saying or asking the wrong things. She moves next door to Eudora and will be Eudora’s friend whether Eudora wants to or not!

This dynamic duo becomes a trio when you add Stanley into the mix. A lonely widower with two dogs (Chas and Dave! Haha) and a kind heart.

This was a beautifully wholesome, lovely book that also made me cry. I’ll definitely check out the other books by this author.

I received a copy of the ebook and audiobook via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own. No need to talk this book up!