A review by lacy23
Bad Mommy by Tarryn Fisher


As the second book I have read by Tarryn, I must say I am definitely glad I discovered her. She may not have a happy ending in her books but it is weirdly okay. I don't mind it at all and it is definitely worth the read no matter how it ends. Fig is an interesting character obsessive and narcissistic, She inserts herself into the life of a woman she believes stole her unborn daughter. Not wanting to see the truth about her husband's deceptions ind infidelity or her new friend Fig's obsessive and stalkerish behavior Jolene only wants to see the good in them. throughout the story you hear both Fig and Jolene's point of view as well as Jolene's husbands. Dealing with not only thoughts of Jolene having stolen Fig's unborn daughter Fig is obsessed with Jolene. Comparing herself to every aspect of Jolene's life but also her looks, Fig does whatever she can to have what Jolene has. including her husband. Constantly lying Fig convinces Jolene to not only feel sorry for her but to believe that her husband is cheating on her while oblivious to her own husbands escapades. You can at points feel sorry for Fig and the next minute despise her.It is well worth the read.