A review by anubis9
Nemesis: The Death of Timmy Quinn by Kealan Patrick Burke


So after 20 years away from the horror genre, I started reading it again.
I hoped to find some fresh new ideas and voices in the genre, and I was not disappointed.
I picked up book one in the series (Turtle Boy) for free on my Kindle, and I was hooked.
Burke has a deft mastery of the art that elevates the prose and easily transports you in to Timmy's world.
I quickly bought the rest of the series and was delighted that they lived up to the standard set by the first book.
Nemesis was a fitting conclusion to series with some nice tense moments and plenty of "where is he going to go with this?" moments.
My only complaint is that we didn't get to learn more about the other characters who shared Timmy's Curse.
One of Burke's strengths (in my opinion) is his ability to create nice exposition moments that don't disrupt the flow of the book, and
I would have loved some flashback chapters on each of them and how they ended up meeting.