A review by k_champagne
Fantasy of Flight by Kelly St. Clare


[b:Fantasy of Flight|35082747|Fantasy of Flight (The Tainted Accords, #2)|Kelly St. Clare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1494348622l/35082747._SX50_.jpg|44515337] *chefs kiss* just superb.

I was not planning to enjoy this book as much as I did. I was slow at getting into [b:Fantasy of Frost|35082746|Fantasy of Frost (The Tainted Accords, #1)|Kelly St. Clare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1494420275l/35082746._SX50_.jpg|43721083]; it took two attempts a few months apart to actually start & commit to it. Once I was in though, I was a goner, & I haven't stopped reading since then. I'm afraid the current burning in my eyes will be a new permement thing. 100% WORTH IT.

Olina has fled from Jovan's men, thinking she will be doing a quick recon in the outter rings, trying to find Kendricks killer. Sneaking out isn't too difficult - she takes off her veil & no one is the wiser.

Things get complicated when she's cornored by Whore Hunters (aka human traffickers) & is taken in by the owner of a fighting house, Alzona. She can't tell anyone who she is or where she has come from without exposing her secret. She has no choice but to stay at the barracks, & train with Alzona & her men - Ice, Blizzard, Avalanche, Flurry, Shard, & the administrative presence Crystal. Olina is an outsider, kept separate training with just Alzona, then trains with the men eventually before her first time in the ring. She takes down her first opponent easily. They dub her Frost, & she is a fan favorite.

Long story short, Found Family Trope is coming in hot, & I was not expecting it, nor did I think I'd love them all so much. Sin & Willow included! I laughed (outloud) & cried.... several times. Also very unexpected

I was hooked with the action as the fighters trained for the big one, and then in the Dome. The consequences of which had me chewing my finger nails away in anticipation. King Jovan, man. I never know what to expect from him.. & I totally love it.