A review by bookobsessedfamily
A Merry Life (Pirates of New Earth Book 1) by Sarah Branson, Sarah Branson


Kat has had a rough life and when she escapes, she has a chance to change her life and become a pirate. So many thing happen to her over the course of several years that it's impossible to list them all.

Possible spoilers:
- Pregnancy: I generally don't like the "surprise pregnancy" trope, but this time it doesn't ruin the book by becoming the focus.
- Also, I hate Yumiko. 😂 I don't think I have hated a character so much since Umbridge (for all my fellow HP fans).

I honestly don't know where to start with this book. There's so much going on and I loved it all. There's action and adventure, character growth and so much more.

I have waited to read this until I had time to read all 3 books in a row. I have been hyping this up in my head and honestly, it lives up to the hype and then some. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I found myself thinking about it constantly and even not sleeping so I could read it.

I haven't been so invested in a character in a long time. Kat is seriously bad @$$ and I love her. I love seeing her growth over the years. Everything she has been through and over come makes her even more lovable. I can't wait to read the rest of the series to see if she gets the justice she deserves.