A review by cmoo053
The Pregnancy Project: A Memoir by Gaby Rodriguez, Jenna Glatzer


The Pregnancy Project is the true story of high school senior, Gaby Rodriguez, who faked her own pregnancy for her senior project. Gaby's aim was to look at how people's attitudes and behaviours change as a result. This was a fairly light read, in spite of the subject material, and the writing was pretty basic. Although I didn't find the staple particularly engaging, it is very accessible and probably speaks to the target audience better than it did to me. Gaby's project was certainly a gutsy one, and the book provides some insight into how quick we are to stereotype, and the dangerous impact that can have on people. I thought Gaby's goals, to raise awareness of this, and to overcome the circumstances of her upbringing to honour her family were admirable. Overall, this was a light, easy, interesting read. Worthwhile if you don't have too many expectations beyond an interesting story.