A review by soulstones
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White


meanwhile i am not completely sure where to begin, i know a thing for certain: if a book takes me a week or more to finish, it's probably because of two factors: one, i am extremely busy and actually do not have the time to read, or two, the book is so boring that even though i have time to read i deliberately choose not to spend it on reading because, frankly, it doesn't invoke a sense of curiosity and the desire to read.

i will start with the fact that i definitely have no knowledge of the arthurian mythology or whatever this mythology the book is based on, so this was absolutely new to me and took me some time to get used to. on one side, i find it kind of intriguing and easy to read at the beginning, but as the story passes, i became bored with it altogether.

despite this book having so many characters you could count with your fingers, with all of Arthur's knights and everyone else involved in this book, it most certainly couldn't be possible that none of the characters would contribute to the plot of the story. but guess what??? none of them did! the characters were all flat, lacking in personality and contributed almost nothing to the story that i felt like there's no major force driving the plot. the main characters were the blandest of them all. plot was also lackluster to my opinion because even until the end it doesn't bring any ounce of clarity, and left me with more questions than ever.

anyway, color me thoroughly disappointed because i felt like this had so much potential but went tumbling downhill very quickly and never recovered.