A review by ameserole
The Brightest Night by Jennifer L. Armentrout


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I feel like this series is just destroying me bit by bit. Sadly my rating for the previous two books is a bit higher than this one. In it, you will still be seeing Evie and Luc. As well as everyone else too which should get you pretty happy because I know I was.

Besides that, this book had some action but I was a bit disappointed by it all. I wanted more of everything I think. Going through all the sexual tension scenes and the people threating other people's lives.. oh and April - I just wanted more.

I honestly wasn't expecting the cliffhanger at the end. I thought the book was going to end at this one but I guess I will have to wait and see what the fourth book will bring me. Please less figuring out their relationship because after 3 books you'd think Evie and Luc would've figured it all out already.