A review by ladyinvelvetx
The Demon Crown by Emma Hamm


I was chosen to read this as an ARC and this is my honest review.

"He’s searched the entire realm for the ultimate treasure… her.

Varya lives in the shadows. As a tomb raider, it’s easier that way. Known for obtaining the unobtainable, she risks life and limb to provide for her small desert town: a magical chalice with never ending water, an amulet that heals, a map that shows where all the other magical objects are."

This is Greed's book and we are met with Varya. Varya is a little firecracker and someone that cares deeply about her home and it's people. She relates to the trauma they face. She has an adventurous spirit within her (no, not like our boys do) and it so gives me Tomb Raider Lara Croft vibes. And I am HERE FOR IT.

We are already familiar with the world setting since this is book 2 of the Seven Deadly Demons - if you aren't go read Lust's story! You won't regret it. It was very easy to jump back into the kingdoms and the setting for Greed's was better than I was expecting. I literally started this in the morning and I just couldn't put it down. I can't believe I read this in one day. But that's how captivating it was.

I would have to say so far Greed's story is my favorite so far. The adventure, the spice (sizzling), stubbornness, and the banter between the two main characters...And I can't skip over the fact that Greed is a sexy thang AND IS A GINGER. YUM. You don't see too many male love interests that have red hair these days.

So if you love subjects on the Seven Deadly Sins, mythology, settings where it's a desert adventure, and love spice, this is the book for you. I anticipate the next book which I'm guessing is going to be Gluttony, whom is introduced to us in this book. And his character doesn't disappoint ;)

Thank you, Emma Hamm, for choosing me to be one of your ARC readers! I was definitely surprised and it made my day when I received the email <3