A review by innae
Tainting Evidence: Inside the Scandals at the FBI Crime Lab by Phillip Wearne, John F. Kelly


This whole book is reminding me of a quote Keanu Reeves repeated while he was researching his role for "Point Break" -- which came out in 91, when much of this book takes place...."You don’t join the FBI out of a sense of right or wrong. You don’t join the FBI for justice. You join the FBI for power. And if you could, you’d do it for free." – Keanu Reeves quoting an FBI agent

Now that I have finished this tale of woe, I am even more convinced the quote I started this with is true. I wonder, as many labs have had to start all over after scandals, how the FBI has escaped with just a few remodels...I did look it up, and they are now accreditated, but as ASCLD is basically a government agency, how deeply did the committee get before approving the lab? I guess it just goes to show, the evidence may not lie, but the people who examine/process/testify surely can.